MTSU recently completed an academic audit by the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR). The TBR made the following commendations about the CIM program at MTSU:
-The CIM program is to be commended for its inclusive and through self-study process, which integrated multiple constituencies including full time faculty, industry representatives, alumni, and other stakeholders to develop a comprehensive and valuable self-study report. The CIM program is to be commended for its dynamic and longstanding relationship with the concrete industry, notably through the Patrons.
-The CIM program is to be commended for its process to support and encourage students' retention and persistence to degree including recruitment, extracurricular opportunities, industry engagement, and job placement success.
-The MTSU CIM program is to be commended for its leadership in the development and enrichment of CIM degree programs, curricula and best educational practices nationwide and for its continued role as a national leader in CIM higher education.
The TBR made the following affirmations about the CIM program at MTSU:
-TBR affirms the program's commitment to applied learning experiences through internships, socials, speakers and extracurricular activities and encourages the further development of these opportunities as presented in the self-study and through site visit conversations. TBR affirms the program's initiative to work collaboratively with the College of Business to develop a MBA program with an emphasis in CIM in alignment with industry and alumni expectations.
-TBR affirms the program's commitment to revise program learning objectives and to strengthen the statement of learning objectives for individual courses incorporating Improvement Initiatives.
-TBR affirms the program's dedication to research activities with undergraduates and industry-related projects and encourages the continued development and enrichment of the research experience in the CIM program.
The TBR made the following recommendations about the CIM program at MTSU:
-TBR recommends that the CIM program extend its curriculum review process to more fully address the content and sequence of curricula to include but not limited to the reinforcement of necessary mathematics skills and the incidence of lab and field experience in order to more fully develop the skills necessary for students to achieve success in the program coursework and in the related careers.
-TBR recommends that the CIM program explore ways to make the Major Field Test a significant, value-added experience for the CIM students that will effectively assess their learning in the CIM program and enhanced their opportunities for the future success.
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