Monday, November 1, 2010

NJIT CIM presentation at the Freshman Colloquia resulted in two new CIM students!!!

Today, Monday, Nov 1 at 11:30 am, it was the day of the Freshman Colloquia. Department of Engineering Technology (ET) had about 1 hour to present some of its new programs. Dr. Ron Rockland, the department Chair gave an introduction to ET, followed by brief (10-12 minute) presentations of three new ET program directors (Surveying Engineering technology (SET); Medical Informatics, (IT); and Concrete Industry Management (CIM)). Many of the freshman students did not belong to ET. The freshman have to attend two of the colloquia, and since we were almost the last ones, we had some who did not attend the other colloquia. I was excited presenting the CIM program as usual. The CIM presentation paid off. Two new students have joined our program and they finished their paper work today. Congratulations!! Enjoy the photos!!!

Mohamed Mahgoub

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