Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chico State Program Growing

We send best wishes to you at the end of this most difficult year for our industry.  But I want to remind everyone that our Chico State CIM Program is growing and getting better.  It is an undertaking we have done right, and it is already paying off dividends with highly qualified, motivated graduates that are working in our industry.  All 14 of last year's graduates are placed, and we believe we will have 16-18 graduates available after graduation in May.  The CIM Program at Chico State is something we all have built into a viable resource, and I don't need to remind you, the program belongs to you.  It will pay us back forever into the future.  This joint venture between Industry and Higher Education is one of the ways we can improve the way we educate our young people. 

Today is the "5th Anniversary" that the committee voted to incorporate the Foundation which became the "Chico State CIM Patron's".  Our donations have supported operational costs establishing the program. We have enhanced it by providing scholarships to all qualified students, funds for students to travel to and participate in Industry Meetings and trade shows, and purchased equipment for our concrete lab.  We have also sponsored summer field schools at Pointe du Hoc, and on Alcatraz Island that have been a tremendous success by incorporating the "learn by doing" and "hands on" approach to learning about our products.  Everyone should be proud of our accomplishments and successes so far, and we are still in our formative years. 

Next year is important because we are completing all the requirements for permanent status in the California State University system.  This will be a thorough academic review.  And, in the Fall, we will have our first accreditation visit that we are hoping to pass.  These are huge undertakings, and we feel we are ready.  

We had good news yesterday from Dean Mike Ward.  He informed us that we now have dedicated office and classroom space that we can call our own.  We plan to convert this space into a high tech learning center that will have electronic media support for distant learning applications.  We will be able to conduct and participate in lectures with experts in their fields from anywhere in the world.  We are very excited about the news and hope to be able to have it ready to show you for the Spring Board Meeting and Founder's Dinner.  The date for this important meeting is going to be Thursday, April 7, 2011, so please put it on your calendar. Our block of rooms at the Hotel Diamond is now available.  Both meetings last year were sold out, so it's not too soon to make your reservations.  Companies and individuals that have become "Founder's of the Chico State CIM Program" are going to be honored. 

We need to continue to receive donations.  If any of you that haven't participated this year can see your way to make a tax deductible donation, it would be accepted and appreciated.   There are 49 companies and associations, and 17 individuals participating as Founders, Patrons, and contributors, making this all possible.  To continue our success, we need to have more.  If you can, please help.

Best Regards from Chico where we are wishing you a wonderful Christmas, Happy Holidays, and safe and healthy New Year. 

Douglas K. Guerrero, Chairman
Chico State CIM Patrons

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